Pillars of Health and Wellness

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Pillars of Health and Wellness

To construct a strong building you need to make a strong foundation and pillars, Human health is quite similar to this. The pillars of health and wellness allow us to live our lives to the fullest. Let us discuss some of these pillars here.

1. Good Food

It is essential for the human body to get proper nutrition in order to function better and stay well nourished.  If you only intake fast food, processed food, and junk food, your body will not be functioning properly and your internal organs will be under stress and affected by the type of food you are having. Soon, your body might go into malnourishment and become the perfect ground for diseases to land on. Hence, the first and foremost thing to do when opting to stay healthy and well is to eat the right kind of food. Just like your car will not work if you do not fuel it properly, the human body also requires fuel to function and that fuel is good food. It is great for you to go for natural, organic and minimally processed foods to improve your health and well-being. You should eat fresh vegetables and fruits and try to balance your daily diet in such a way that it will include carbohydrates, proteins, and fats in an equal and appropriate amount.

 2. Exercise

In addition to good food, you should also go for exercise. In the modern world of today when machines and technology have made our lives easy yet gotten us so much involved that we are slowly becoming those fat people on hi-tech wheelchairs in Wall-E. It is great to take a break from the daily hustle and go out in the fresh air for a walk. Try to set a routine and add exercise to your daily schedule. Even on the busiest day, you can give 5 minutes to exercise and keep yourself healthy and in shape. You don’t even have to hit the gym. All you need to do is go on a walk/run, do yoga, perform some simple push-ups, pull-ups, squats, and lunges in your living room. Just by adding some little exercise to your daily schedule you can improve your health very quickly and smoothly.



 3. Sleep

Sleep is another important thing that is vital to human’s health. It is suggested that an average person should sleep for about 7 to 8 hours a day in order to stay fit and healthy. If you don’t sleep much and are sleep deprived, you will be feeling gloomy and tired all day. Sleep deprivation has a very bad effect on your health and may lead to many diseases and health issues including digestion problems. Try to bend your schedule in such a way that you go to bed early and sleep for at least 8 hours. If you have trouble falling asleep you can always opt for meditation or take some drink like chamomile tea or a glass of warm milk which will help you to sleep better.

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